Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Working From Home Confession #7: Sometimes I Work From My Couch

Laptop: check

Notebook and pen: check

Coffee: check

Blanket: check

Phone: check

All set to work!

I am my own boss, so I can work anywhere I want, as long as I have my laptop. Sometimes I even work in my pajamas (because why not??) but I try not to because then I feel lazy.

I don’t work on the couch for too long, though. Why? Well, it’s so comfortable, I just want to close my eyes or read a book and not work. But some rainy or cool days are best spent on the couch.

Where is your favorite spot to work if you work at home?

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Monday, March 4, 2024

Friday's Follies

Friday was fun. I’m being sarcastic. Friday was not fun. Not in the very least.

First, I started to make a pancake. I had walked on the treadmill and felt I deserved a nice big pancake for breakfast. I poured the batter into the pan and waited. Then my dog wanted to go outside to potty. Well, we have to bring him outside with the leash through the front because he can’t do the steps anymore out back (and Heaven forbid he use the RAMP). So, out we went.

Did I mention I had pancake batter in the pan? On the stove? With the burner on?

Anyhoo, he did his business and we came back inside. Of course, I knew the pancake would be starting to burn. Oh…but it was more than that! It was completely burned to the bottom of the pan and starting to on top. I stuck the spatula in the pan to get the pancake off (no need to ruin another pan!) and a FLAME shot out!

How rude.

Photo of said pancake when I flipped it over!

Of course the alarm is going off and I’m upset because I JUST WANTED A DARN PANCAKE!!

I ended up making another pancake (not burned but not too tasty either), and by this time it was probably a little after eleven in the morning. Since I had calling hours to attend to later that afternoon, I didn’t want to shower yet, which meant staying in my pajamas til then. (I work from home. I can do that.)

My dog had to potty again. Outside, we go! It had snowed, and I hadn’t shoveled the steps (or anything) because it was going to get warm and sunny which would melt the snow. Cole did his thing, and we started up the two steps on the front porch. Cole got up fine. Me? I slipped in the packed-down snow and ended up on my arse. In my pajama pants. Good times. 

Stand up, brush myself off, and head up the steps. Turn the door handle.

Ahhh, but it won’t turn. Why? Because it’s LOCKED.

Ooops…I did it again.

Fun fact: Sometimes when I go outside (whether front or back door), my fingers automatically turn the lock. Don’t know why. Habit?

Knowing the back door to the back porch was open to air out the kitchen from the, um… pancake incident, I walked down the driveway to go through the back gate. Locked. Of course. Ahh, but the garbage was picked up that morning, so the two larger plastic bins were next to the fence where my husband put them before work. Perfect! I climbed onto one of those, clumsily climbed over the fence, thankfully landed on my feet, and let myself in the back door. I let Cole in once I got inside (he had been waiting on the porch; he’s old and doesn’t go anywhere fast, so I knew he’d be fine).

No other mishaps til calling hours but of course those are no fun. When I got home at 6:30 pm, I had a generous glass of wine, thank-you-very-much.

All's well that ends well.

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Thursday, February 22, 2024

Bee Friend ~ An Amazon Best Seller!!


Have you read Bee Friend yet? It’s a children’s chapter book published by Get It Write Publishing Company (fun for all ages—even adults!) about friendship and… well, bees! There are many fun bee facts throughout the book.

From Amazon:

Meet Max and Dex, a pair so dissimilar that you wouldn't imagine they could be pals. But friendships are not restricted to people. Anyone may develop a bond—even a boy and a bee!

Bee Friend is a cute tale about a boy who rescues a bee from peril one day. The bee later returns to thank the boy, and their friendship begins. The queen bee and others at the hive are not happy with the friendship. "We do not speak to humans!" the queen shouted.

But despite the possibility of being banished from the hive, Dex was adamant about maintaining his friendship with Max. "I truly believe something good will come out of all of this," Dex says.

Through this unlikely friendship, Max and Dex end up saving Dex’s beehive.

With its humor, companionship, and educational content, your kids will love reading Bee Friend.

The author is A.R. Johnson, who also wrote:

A PamOc Christmas Carol

The Book of Judas: What If

Victor Storey: One Man’s Journey To Salvation

His books can be found on Barnes and Noble online and on Amazon. Right now, Bee Friend is available to download to your Kindle device FREE until February 23rd. Give it a go. I guarantee your kids will love it! Please leave a positive review.

If you would like to know more about Get It Write Publishing, please visit the website here--->

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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Treadmill Woes

I’ve started using my treadmill at home since I need to lose weight. Treadmill every day; workout with weights four times a week. Hard to be disciplined, but I’m determined.

The treadmill isn’t, however, for a person like me—clumsy! I can’t walk on it without holding on (no pumping arms for me!), not even at levels 1 or 2. I get distracted easily, so if I look somewhere besides the treadmill electronic thingy, I am in danger of falling off. And today, my water bottle fell onto the treadmill pad, nearly tripping me, then flew off across the room. Of course, that distracted me too. Phew!

This morning’s walk was only 15 minutes because, suddenly, I had to go to the bathroom. 15 minutes, it is. I’m not going to have an accident trying to do 20–30 minutes on the treadmill!

Good times. Wish my metabolism was like it used to be!

How do you workout? 

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Monday, February 5, 2024

Not Realistic At All

I recently finished binge-watching Pretty Little Liars. It was actually a really good drama series. But while watching, I noticed a few things that made me think of other shows, and I had a good chuckle.

In television shows, have you ever noticed…

A person owns a huge two- to three-story house (you’ll see the outside of it), yet when a guest stays, they’ll sleep on the couch? Or, in the case of Pretty Little Liars, the girls would sleep in the same room if one had to stay for an extended period of time, not just a one-night sleepover. Where is the guest room? I mean, your house is three stories high!!

Someone will make a sandwich or a plate of food OR pour a mug of coffee or a full glass of juice or water, then they’ll take a bite (or a sip) and then… “Ok, I have to go now.” Um, why would you have them make all that food or pour a full glass if they’re just going to leave? Make it more realistic!!

And here’s my favorite: All the women wake up in the morning looking like they’re wearing makeup (WHICH THEY ARE) but realistic would be having them not wear any makeup on the set if they’re supposed to be waking up in the morning!

Those are a few things I have noticed while watching these shows! What are things like this that you notice while watching your favorite show(s)?

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Monday, January 29, 2024

Winter Self-Care

Have you practiced extra self-care this month? Because January is tough for a lot of us. Between the cold weather, shoveling and driving in the snow, and the early evenings, it’s easy to get the winter blues. Here are some self-care ideas that I find helpful. The month is about over (THANKFULLY), but you can practice self-care for the rest of the winter!

1) Meditate or pray for at least 15 minutes per day.

Get in touch with your spiritual self and be mindful. This helps you to focus and feel a sense of connection, as well as being therapeutic in opening up to God about your thoughts and feelings. Get up feeling refreshed and ready to start your day out right.

2) Get outdoors as much as you can.

Even a brief five minutes can help raise your energy levels from the fresh air and calming beauty of nature. Extra bonus if it's sunny out!

3) Make sure your environment is decluttered and clean.

There's nothing worse than being in a cluttered space, especially when you're trapped inside if the weather is bad. Organizing and cleaning your space will give you a nice feeling of accomplishment, boosting your mood and energy levels.

4) Find a new hobby or project to work on.

Keep your mind occupied and get your creative juices flowing! Doing something creative is a great way to increase focus, boost your confidence and energy levels, and come up with new ideas and inspiration. And it's just plain fun.

5) Get enough sleep, go to bed, and get up at the same time every day.

During the dark winter months, it’s more important than ever to get enough sleep and stay on schedule. There’s nothing worse than going to bed at ten o’clock one night and midnight the next, then waking up late and groggy. Your body will thank you for the extra rest.

6) Socialize

Although it can be tempting to cozy up in the afternoons and stay in the house, it’s important for people to get out and socialize. It will give you a boost of energy and a sense of connection with another person. Don't isolate yourself!

7) Spend extra time moisturizing your skin, hair, and nails.

During the winter months, our skin, hair, and nails tend to dry out and get brittle sometimes. Make sure that you put in the extra time to moisturize and pamper yourself. It's very soothing as well and good for self-confidence levels.

8) Take vitamin C and D supplements.

It’s important during the dark winter months spent inside to take or eat sources of Vitamin C and D, which helps ward off sickness and replenish the Vitamin D you’re getting less of during this time of year.

Self-Care Blog Recommendation

A good friend of mine also has some good advice on self-care and how it has helped her mental health immensely. She is a mental health blogger and influencer from Syracuse (a snowy city!), New York. Check out her blog here!

Enjoy your week and stay warm!

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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

You Fell In... WHAT??


Today was a day. And I don’t mean a good day. After a 90-minute online chat session with Spectrum (the most hated internet provider EVER), finding a dead mouse upstairs, and back and forth nonsensical miscommunication between doctor’s offices, I slipped in slushy snow outside and landed in dog poop. Yeah, you read that right. Dog POOP.

I took my dog, Cole, out the front door to do his usual business. He can’t go out the back door anymore because he's too old and the steps are steep. (He also refuses to use the wooden ramp my husband built for our dogs. Go figure.) 

We walked onto the porch and went down the steps, and I didn’t realize how slippery and slushy it was… so, down I went. I didn't even get a chance to break my fall, and I somehow moved to the exact angle where...SPLAT. And what was I wearing? This was the only time in my entire life that I had nonchalantly slipped on a pair of white sweatpants this morning. (I’m not the type of person who can wear white.) I'm now sitting in dog crap, dying from the smell (and Cole’s just looking at me, like, what is wrong with you?!). 

Of course, my next-door neighbor suddenly showed up out of nowhere and asked if I was okay. Sure, I’m totally fine! Just your average afternoon, enjoying the fresh air! Ha. 

Needless to say, I have a lot of laundry to do. After a long shower and a drink, I realized I dropped one of my gloves by the steps. So, I stepped off the porch and nearly wiped out again on the slush. 

I can’t wait until spring.  

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